torsdag den 27. november 2008

Lily Electric EP and SHOP

Well back and home after a nice tour in Denmark, we would like to thank everyone who showed up at our concerts. The silent release of our new Lovelite ep #1 on Loppen and everyone of you who bought it, made us very happy. We still think this is the best we´ve yet done, and we can assure you that more like it will be out next year.

For those of you who didn´t get to buy it at our concerts, we have made it possible now actually to buy it on our website...yeah! Here you can order a physical copy or download it - and then copy it! ( And you can order our first real t-shirts!!

We are very happy to announce that the european release of "You´re in the painting you saw" will be on the 6. March ´09. So you sweet people who have asked us about that in some time, you can now hold that against us. But this time it should be more certain than if Bush got a third period! Let´s cross our fingers and hope that don´t happen. Wir drücken die Daumen!

And we already know that at least two german tours will be a reality. We look forward to writing you more about that later...

We will make some more music and be ready with new songs for you next year.

Have fun and a happy christmas!

Lily Electric

lørdag den 11. oktober 2008

New songs on Myspace and Templet news

Hi friends!

We have just uploadet 2 songs from our NEW Lovelite EP #1 on our myspace-site..We will only upload these, the rest and of course these can only be bought at our concerts through the next couple of weeks.


1. The Pedestrians

2. Rats Blossom Into Boys

3. Screams

4. No Love Like In Missing Someone

5. Dancing Rakes

6. Elephants

Concert at Templet on Thursday the 16th:

Our tour will begin at Templet, Lyngby, Copenhagen on thursday. If you want to see this concert, you can send us a mail with your full name and only pay 40,- kr in the entrance. And feel free to bring your best friends or who you would like to...ain..t that nice!!

Write a mail to and we will write you on the list...

On this night we are happy to have the great other danish band Mellemblond to play with us. So two good bands will do their best to make it a great night.

Have a great weekend and until then!!


Lily Electric

tirsdag den 30. september 2008

We are releasing an EP with 6 NEW songs!...In two weeks..!

Tekst: We are releasing an EP with 6 NEW songs!...In two weeks..!!

It will be a "secret" release, so it will not be possible to buy it in any physical shops, anywhere. ONLY at our concerts from the 16.October and in the future. But it is the best yet done...It will be possible to hear some of the new songs on our websites and of course LIVE, when we play a bunch of nice concerts in Denmark from 16.october to 1.november. And hit the german cities in the spring ..09.

As mentioned in the last newsletter, referred to as the Lovelite EP # 1, it was recorded over this summer with Jochen Ströh, our fine genius of a soundguy in his little studio. Lovelite EP # 1 is the first of two EP..s. The next one will be released in the spring of 2009.

In danish:
Og til de søde mennesker der tænker på at komme og se os på Templet d. 16 oktober: Man kan fra i dag af komme på vores liste til Templet og betale 40,- kr i entré. I skal bare skrive en mail til os med jeres fulde navne.

Skriv til denne mail, , så skriver vi jer på listen! og sig det til alle jeres venner, alle på listen kommer ind for 40,- kr uanset hvor mange det er!

Vi glæder os til at se jer om et par uger!!

More news very soon about new video, new single and the new EP!

yo again!

Lily Electric

torsdag den 11. september 2008

Lily Electric Fall Tour ´08

We have now added the tourdates for our fall tour in october in Denmark. It is now possible to buy tickets.
We want you all to come since we are performing special new songs from our fresh Lovelite recordings. The 6 new songs will only be available at the concerts, and we are very proud, so cathing us live will give you a "secret inside of what..s coming". More about that next week!

8 October - 21:30 Roter Salon, Berlin ( PopKomm)
8 October - 23:30 Lovelite, Berlin ( PopKomm)
16 October - 20:00 Templet, Lyngby
17 October - 20:00 Månen, Haderslev
23 October - 20:00 Forbrændingen, Albertslund
24 October - 20:00 Stars, Vordingborg
25 October - 21:00 Loppen, Copenhagen
29 October - 20:00 Tobakken, Esbjerg
30 October - 20:00 Von Hatten, Randers
31 October - 20:00 Sønderborghus, Sønderborg
1 November - 20:00 Slagelse Musikhus, Slagelse

We hope to see you all out there on the danish venues.

Alot of joy from us and take good care of yourselves and the people around you!

Lily Electric

Taubertal Festival 2008 - The Nymph of Taubertal, where is she now?

We would like to use this blog as an opportunity to say thank you to the very nice people present at this years Taubertal Festival. To be so well taken care of and well treated, is a luxury that is not normal for us. thank you...and if you were unlucky and didn´t get to hear us, bits of it are here:

---- more taubertal ----


And then just a small note from the poetic corner. Popped in my mind when I walked over a bridge in Rothenburg.

" The river running aside the grounds, chuckled when it was touched by feminine feet. The giggle when she almost fell. She almost dropped her glass of delicate water, or that was at least what it looked like, and gave a big scream before she ran back on the shore. What was it that made her happy? " - Subberman
maybe because music was playing in the background ?

...a bit weird but it fits.

See you next time!


Lily Electric

mandag den 14. juli 2008

Hey everyone, now our new homepage is ready to sail the webocean. Visit often to see new pictures and movies from concerts, studio, rehearsing, talking, playing tabletennis, petting dogs and much more, ( there are so many possibilities, come to think of it!!!) and if you have a cool picture or a short video from a concert etc., you can send it to us, and if we like it, it will be broadcasted on the page. Send it to : cool..thanks!

Future: we have this week begun the recording of seven new songs. The future will be theirs, and them yours, in the fall ´08. The summer takes us to a couple of more festivals in DK and Germany. The Vestpark Festival and Taubertal Festival...make sure to catch on one of these shows.

I´m out of letters. We´ll talk soon...

Lily Electric

mandag den 12. maj 2008

Sidste forårskoncert på Lille VEGA på torsdag d.15

Lily Electrics sidste koncert i foråret i Danmark på torsdag

Hej dejlige københavnere og forstadsfolk!

På torsdag d. 15 på Lille VEGA spiller vi den sidste koncert på denne forårs-tourne. Vi har igennem de sidste 2 mdr, spillet koncerter i Danmark for at gøre opmærksom på vores debutplade, der udkom d.31 Marts.

Nu glæder vi os til at fejre foråret og vores nye plade med en sidste koncert i København! Dørene åbner kl. 21 og de smukke unge mænd fra "Don..t Go To New York" spiller også!

Billetten i forsalg er 110,-, så køb dem ellers kommer du til at give 130,- i døren. Men det bliver VI glade for...

Vi ses på torsdag!!!!

kys og knus og forårsforelskelser fra os

Lily Electric

tirsdag den 29. april 2008

Parties and non-violence on 1.may!! YO!!

While the spring is springing and summer is coming closer, everything begins to show itself from its better side. The 1.May in Berlin is always a big issue, demonstrations, riots and alot of police on the streets, usually marks this day of the year. Punks from all over Germany is taking over Kreuzberg ( mostly), and making it a lively scenery, to mark the injustice they see are happening. Last year, living on Frankfurter Allé, the big demonstration, turned into a great, lovely trancy electro party. What will I be doing this year...maybe be there?

We´ve just been added to the very cool summerfestival in F.hain called ´Féte de la musique´on the 21. of June. It will take place somewhere on Revaler Str. Every year it has a great number of visitors, so we want to play it and enjoy the summer with beer and music.

And! thank you, all of you great people of Antje Öklesund, we had a really great night!! We will see you all next time!!!!


søndag den 13. april 2008

Links til anmeldelser af "You're in the painting you saw"

"Anmelder er vild med blæret ungt rockband" - 5 af 6 hjerter”Forfriskende anderledes og kalejdoskopisk rockmusik... Lily Electrics debutalbum er blæret gennemarbejdet og balancerer elegant mellem det genkendelige og det overraskende.” Politiken

"Dynamisk og charmerende dansk artrock-debut" - 5 af 6 stjerner "Fra Berlin åbner danske Lily Electric op med stil fra første toneklang... Den sprøde guitarlyd på Don’t Change The Suit When It’s You op imod den nonchalante vokal giver en fin klang af Blur ano Leisure, hvilket på ingen måde er en skidt ting, når man nu med stolthed påtager sig stemplet af de mest elegant krukkede og sofistikerede danske album i lang tid." GAFFA

"Her er et band, du med garanti vil høre mere og mere til" - 5 af 6 stjerner "hvis vi ikke passer på, så får udlandet øjnene op for Lily Electric, før vi selv giver dem den opmærksomhed, de fortjener." B.T.

"En dejlig debut" - 4 1/2 af 6 stjerner.
(Et) godt gennemarbejdet og iørefaldende produkt, som på sin helt egen måde er skævt skruet sammen uden at være løst i strukturen. Melodierne sidder tætpakket omkring de præcise omkvæd og der er et moderat, men godt drive gennem hele albummet." Undertoner

"kompositoriske krumspring" - 4 af 6 stjerner "Det skorter ikke på energi og gåpåmod, når Lily Electric sætter strøm til instrumenterne på debutalbummet. Den danske rockkvartet residerer til dagligt i Berlin, og bandets første langspiller er da også både præget af udsyn og ambitioner" Soundvenue

"Blå øjet begavelse" - 4 af 6 stjerner "albumdebutanternes engelsk inspirerede art-rock med ringlende guitarer, velsiddende lalala-harmonier og ofte ukonventionelle forløb er afgjort værd at investere i." Berlingske Tidende

tirsdag den 8. april 2008

The boys are back in town

YES - It's really nice to be back in Berlin again. We haven't been here for a long time and now the spring is blossoming. We've almost forgotten how to speak german...
We just got booket tomorrow (wednesday) at Bang Bang Club (mitte) by our friend Jaques. We're playing with Wendy James (NY) and the deal is really bad... What the H! - it will be fun and there's gonna be a crowd!
Hanging out with our friends/lovers again. Today was Marys birtday. We met in Kreutzberg at Franken....

mandag den 7. april 2008

Vi er sgu boblere på Boogielisten!

Mark Walkers fantastisk flotte musikvideo til "Don't change the suit when it's you" er i denne uge bobler på Booglielisten på DR 1. Vi har besluttet at gøre alt hvad vi kan for at få den stemt ind. Det bliver svært!

Swnd en sms til 1212 med teksten : b listen 19 (koster 1kr.) , eller opret en profil >>HER<< og stem gratis på boogies hjemmeside. Spred nyheden videre!


onsdag den 2. april 2008

Releasfestival på Råhuset - Epilog

(in danish...)


Vi vil gerne sige TUSINDE TAK til alle jer der kom forbi til vores releasefest i fredags på Råhuset. Det var en fantastisk aften og vi kunne ikke forestille os en dejligere måde at fejre det på end med vores venner og skøn musik omkring os!
Det var meget overvældende!!

Vi vil gerne sige specielt tak til Wolfkin, Kirsten Ketsjer the rockband, Don't Go To New York, Jochen Ströh -vores lydmand og afrobeat-DJ.

En helt speciel tak til Råhuset!
Super ærgeligt med hærværk og grafiti - det er vi virkelig kede af!